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প্রথম পাতা » ICT Product » Walton hands with Microsoft and Intel to introduce laptop
প্রথম পাতা » ICT Product » Walton hands with Microsoft and Intel to introduce laptop
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শনিবার ● ১৭ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০১৬
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Walton hands with Microsoft and Intel to introduce laptop

Walton hands with Microsoft  and Intel to introduce laptopThe country’s electronics giant Walton joined its hands with the US based world’s renowned companies ‘Intel Corporation’ and Microsoft Corporation’ to introduce various high-tech devices in the country’s potential information and communication technology sector.In collaboration with Intel and Microsoft, the local brand Walton is going to add 6th Generation Intel® processor-based laptop computers to its existing product line.

The most stylish, multifunctional and high speed laptops of Walton brand are going to hit the country’s computer market in the last week of September this year. Walton will launch a total 20 models of laptop under four series like WaxJambu, Karonda, Tamarind and Passion.

In order to bring international standard hi-tech devices like laptops in the Bangladesh’s IT market, the world’s three technology-based giant companies Walton, Intel and Microsoft are working jointly.

Walton for the first time in Bangladesh is going to manufacture various sorts of computer hardware like electronics motherboard, the Walton officials informed. They have already brought state-of-the art technology from Europe for establishing motherboard manufacturing unit at the Walton Micro-Tech Corporation at Chandra in Gazipur. The process of installing high-tech machineries at the factory premises is going on in full swing. From Japan, they brought SMT (Surface Mounting Technology) and AI (Auto Insertion) technology in their factory.

These initiatives are taken by Walton to manufacture various sorts of high-tech devices like laptops and desktops computer, mobile phones, tabs and so on.

To supply international standards to the local ICT market, Intel and Microsoft are providing technical and financial supports to Walton.

The engineers of research and development departments of Walton are sharing technical knowledge with the R&D engineers of Microsoft and Intel at supplying innovating high-tech products at home and abroad. The engineers of both Intel and Microsoft will render higher trainings to the Walton engineers to help the local brand supply innovative high-tech devices. They are also helping Walton engineers in designing and drawing laptops.

Intel is also delivering world’s latest 6th Generation Intel® Core-i 3, 5 and 6 processors for Walton brand laptops. And, Microsoft is providing its supports to Walton through delivering genuine operating system windows and application software.

Moreover, Walton will also supply genuine windows and other Microsoft Office applications at an affordable price for the local customer. Consequently, the country’s laptop or desktop computer users would be getting rid of the hassles of pirated OS windows and software.

The use of genuine OS windows and software of Microsoft in the laptop of Walton brand would be resulted in helping the users run their laptops without installing anti-virus software and thus save huge money of the laptop users, the Walton officials said.

SM Rezaul Alam, director of Walton Group, said they are going to international standard laptops in the local ICT market at affordable rates compared to other brands’ laptops.

He said, the plant of manufacturing motherboard like high-tech hardware is under construction at Walton factory. When this project will come into production, he said, Walton would be able to supply laptop in the Bangladesh IT market at around 50 percent lower prices than the other brands’ rates.

Walton is working relentlessly in raising the country’s image in the global arena through supplying ‘Made in Bangladesh’ labeled world-class high-tech devices in the global markets, he noted.

Zia Manzur, country business manager, Intel Bangladesh, said “ICT sector in Bangladesh offers high growth potential and Intel believes the local industry plays a significant role in accelerating ICT adoption. Intel welcomes the role taken by Walton in the advancement of technology based manufacturing in Bangladesh and supports Walton’s initiative to make technology widely available at affordable prices to the citizens of Bangladesh.”

Pabulum Basnayake, OEM Director - Southeast Asia New Markets of Microsoft, said, “Our wide network of local OEM partners across the world has helped us to deliver Microsoft’s rich experience through a variety of devices that are tailored for local markets. We are delighted to have Walton on board to produce local devices and are confident that together we can truly make a positive contribution to the local device ecosystem.”

With the slogan “Now Time is for Bangladesh,” Walton is conducting its marketing strategies. Initially, the local brand will launch 20 models of laptop under four series like Passion, Tamarind, WaxJambu and Karonda. The prices of Walton brand laptops would be between Tk29,500 and Tk95,500. The customer would be able to buy Walton brand laptops on 12-month easy installment facility. The users will also enjoy one year free post sales service benefit.


পাঠকের মন্তব্য

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