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Knowledge-sharing session on Generative AI held globally with expert NRBs
A knowledge-sharing session titled ‘Fundamentals of AI and Generative AI for All’ took place orchestrated by the eminent Professor Alamgir Hossain, CEO of Digital Readiness and Intelligence Ltd (D-Ready.co.uk). The participants of the session were from students, academics, business leaders and researchers of 16 countries (including the UK, USA, Australia, Canada, etc.).
Professor Hossain, who holds a distinguished track record as an AI professor across several UK universities, led the session, with Dr. Marzia H Tania (University of New South WALES, Sydney) as chair. In the session the participants inquired about combating corruption and cyber-attacks and implementing responsible AI within healthcare systems. The session concluded with over 100 participants receiving Certificates of Participation via the AI risks analysis platform provided by D-Ready (product: mot4ai.com).
Building on this momentum, the next session focusing on AI-driven smart agriculture is scheduled for April 6th at 11:00 am UK time (4:00 pm Bangladesh time). This is part of a series of various sessions and activities poised to significantly contribute to Bangladesh’s technological and economic growth under the initiative ‘AI Bridge: A Forum to Grow Bangladesh’.
For those interested in being at the forefront of this technological evolution, further details can be found by joining the forum’s Telegram account. Additionally, participants can enrich their knowledge with complimentary resources such as AI books (e.g., ‘AI in Businesses: Enhance Growth and Efficiency’), slide decks, and more, all aimed at fostering AI-powered innovation and empowerment for the sustainable growth of Bangladesh.
For further information, please contact: AI Bridge Forum Email: info@ai-bridge.org; Telegram: AI-Bridge: A Forum to Grow BD.